Busting the Myths - Diet Talk
08 November 2019
Members-Only Talk
Kato, Paleo, Dukan, Dubrow, Noom. Whatever the latest diet trend is, chances are you, or someone you know has tried it. Sometimes with highly successful results. But what happens when the trend passes, when the target is achieved and the diet stops?
Research has shown that in the vast majority of cases, the weight creeps back on - leading the cycle to start all over again.
Ever wondered why?
Join our Personal Trainer Claire Luvin as she explores the diet myths and trends, and explains just what can be done to help you join the exclusive ranks of the 5% of people that don't just lose weight, but maintain their targets in the long-term.
The talk takes place in the Clubroom, Pelicans at Kings from 7pm on Thursday 14th November. Booking is essential, email info@kings.gg to reserve your place.